Our Mission

To enable the Community to engage in various cultural and charitable activities.
To provide a forum for the Ocean County Indian diaspora by inviting distinguished guests from India to strengthen cultural ties between all participants.
To enable the younger members of the community to participate in events to help them reinforce their cultural identity and make them more productive citizens.
To enable after-school cultural and educational programs available to the younger members of the community and to enable them to have access to positive role models.
To enable the growing senior citizens among the Indian sub-continental diaspora and local citizenry to share their common heritage and have an opportunity to have social interactions between generations
To provide a resource for the Indian diaspora at large and the local citizenry to share motivational discourses, books, movies and language and music classes that keep their traditions alive.
To enable the surrounding community an opportunity to participate in various events engendering mutual understanding and communal harmony.
To celebrate various festivals of its congregation and share their traditions with the larger New Jersey community.